

【수량】much; lots; plenty; in abundance; in profusion
▶ 많이는 largely; mostly; for the most part; chiefly
▶ 저녁을 많이 먹다 have a large[big] supper
▶ 말을 많이 할 필요가 없다 There is no need to talk much about it.
▶ 그는 돈을 많이 쓴다 He spends much[a lot of] money.
▶ 우리 나라에는 봄이나 가을에 관광객이 많다 Most foreign tourists to Korea come in spring or autumn.
▶ 태풍은 농작물에 해를 많이 주었다 The typhoon did a great deal of damage to the crops.
▶ 돈이 많이 들 것이다 It will cost you an arm and a leg. or It will cost you a fortune. or It will cost you a mint. or It will cost you a pretty penny. or It will cost you a bundle.
▶ 돈을 많이 버십니까? Do you make a lot of money? or Do you make good money? or Is the money good?

【대개】often; lots; frequently
▶ 이 병은 어린애들이 많이 걸린다 This disease prevails much among children. or Children often get[come down with] this disease.